Geoff And Sandy's Websites and YouTube Videos
This is the portal to Geoff and Sandy's websites and YouTube videos.
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Geoff's YouTube Videos
"Poo Pee And Paper - Humanity's Relationship With Bodily Waste"
Pooing and Peeing is something we prefer to do in private and not give much thought to - once your poo, pee and paper slip round the bend you don't give much thought to where it goes next.
This video takes you on a five-thousand year exploration of toilets, sewerage disposal and toilet paper developments. From the Neolithic flushed toilets of Skara Brae to modern unisex urinals that allow ladies to stand alongside men, immerse yourself in a fascinating historical adventure.
Please click on the above picture to watch the video.
"Portland Curiosities. An Exploration Of Odd Characters, Secret Places and Scary Monsters."
Portland in Dorset has a unique history involving odd characters, such as Dr. Marie Stopes, secret military sites buried deep underground, haunted 'Ghost Tunnels' where only the brave explore and fantastic monsters which rise out of the sea to attack the unwary. Welcome to Weird Portland!
Please click on the above picture to watch the video.
"Mystery Blobs appeared in Weymouth's streets. UFO activity?"
Mysterious white blobs appeared in Weymouth. The police were baffled but Geoff Kirby has a theory that these were produced by UFOs following ancient mystical Ley Lines across the ancient Dorset countryside. He had his tongue firmly in his cheek however!
Please click on the above picture to watch the video.
"Nurdling Explained"
The ancient sport of Nurdling is demonstrated by two international experts in the field. So, grab those dustbin lids, nurdles and grouting poles and - let's go Nurdling!
Please click on the above picture to watch the video.
Geoff has spent over thirty years collecting thousands of photographs of Portland in Dorset and putting these online together with intriguing stories of Portland’s fascinating history. Please click the here to find out more.
Geoff has posted thousands of pre-1945 photographs of Portland in Dorset online. Please click here to find out more.
Geoff has written seven books on a wide range of topics as well as editing and publishing two books for friends. Please click here to find out more.